Telda's Chicken Apritada

I've got this recipe from my sister, Telda, short for Ate Imelda. 


1 lb chicken breast cut into pieces
2 Potatos, cut in bite sizes
3-4 pieces hotdog or sausage
1 carrot
1 red bell pepper
1 green bell pepper
1 can of cooked green peas
1 can tomato sauce
garlic, crushed
onion, sliced
salt and pepper to taste

First, bring to boil half a pot of water with a little salt and vinegar, add the chicken and let it simmer for about 5 mins. Remove from heat and drain the chicken.

On another pot, saute` garlic and onion in a little oil. Add the chicken and hotdog. You can add in a dashed of salt and pepper and 2 tsp of vinegar. Let it simmer for a few minutes then add the tomato sauce and sugar, you may add vinegar, salt and sugar according to your taste.

Once the meat is cooked add, potato and carrots. Let it cooked for a while then put the remaining ingredients. Remove from heat. 

Serve with love.
